• HTML5,CSS3,SASS,LESS,Bootstrap
  • MERN Stack
    (Mongo DB,Express.js,React.js,Node.js)
  • MEAN Stack
    (Mongo DB,Express.js,Anular.js,Node.js)
  • Java + Spring MVC
  • Python Stack
  • LAMP Stack
  • Native Web Apps
  • E-Commerce Applications



  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Swift
  • Objective C
  • Andriod Studio
  • X Code
  • Web Services
  • Database



  • C#
  • Objective - C
  • Swift
  • Microsoft SQL
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Visual Basic
  • C/C++
  • Mysql
  • Java
  • Oracle
  • Python GUI



  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Corel Draw
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • Wireframe.cc
  • Adobe Indesign



  • Python,R,Scala
  • Numpy,Pytorch,scipy,Matplotlib
  • Tensorflow,Keras,Theano
  • Hadoop,Mysql,Microsoft Azure,Microsoft Excel
  • Neural Networks,CNN,RCNN
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning


  1. Digitalizes all the Functionalities of an Admin
  2. Biometric Integration for Students and Teachers Attendance with Integrated S.M.S System to send Daily Attendance S.M.S to Parents
  3. Dynamic Fees Creation Facility with S.M.S alerts For Fee Due and Remainders
  4. GPA based Progress Report generation with S.M.S integration to send Marks as S.M.S to Parents
  5. Profit and Loss Report generation
  6. Time based Fee Due and Fee Collection Reports
  7. Bulk S.M.S and E-Mail to send S.M.S alerts to Parents


  • Student Enquiry and Admission
  • Teacher Enquiry and Admission
  • Student Fees
  • Teacher Salary
  • Attendance with Biometric Integration
  • Progress reports
  • Accounts Maintenance
  • Store Maintenance


  1. Manages Entry and Exit of the Gym with Integration of Fingerprint Biometric system along with Door Access in a Gym and blocking outsiders from entering into the Gym.
  2. Helps a Gym in managing Financials like Fees Dues and Collection with Integrated S.M.S and E-Mail.
  3. Enables Fee Dues and Upcoming Fees Reminder S.M.S and E-Mail system improving overall Financial Scenario in a Gym.
  4. Decreases the Drop Outs of Customers and Increases new Customer base by creating an sense of enthusiasm among Customers towards Health.
  5. Customers get Daily Updates of Diet, Exercise, Health Quotes, Appointments etc. Via S.M.S & E-Mail thereby increasing their Interests towards Health.
  6. Helps Management in overall Gym maintenance by generating Reports Graphical Sheets and Balance Sheets related to Accounts, Admissions, Fees, Salary, Stock etc.
  7. Bulk S.M.S and E-Mail to send S.M.S alerts
  8. Sales and Marketing


  • Enquiry and Admission
  • Enquiry and Recruitment
  • Fees
  • Salary
  • Attendance
  • Door Acess Control
  • Biometric Integration
  • Body Measurements
  • Diet Maintanance
  • Excersice Routine
  • Accounts Maintanace
  • Inhouse Maintanace
  • Store Maintanance
  • S.M.S and E-Mail


  1. Live Monitoring of all the Systems from a Single Point.
  2. Live Recording of System Activities of all the Systems in a Central Database.
  3. Enables Parental Lock System whereby Limited access of an System is provided to its Users.
  4. Enables Remote Access of Each and Every System in an Organization whereby System can be used from anywhere around the Globe.
  5. Eradicates Misuse of Systems.
  6. Enables Time based System Usage and Lock Facility.


  • System Monitoring
  • Remote system control
  • Parental control
  • Web control
  • System Activity recording
  • Auto System timing


  1. Manages Case Dates, Hearings and Appointments between Court, Legal House and Client.
  2. Manages Case Studies, Case History, Previous Verdicts, Case Hearings of various Clients.
  3. S.M.S alerts for Clients and Lawyers related to any Specific Case.
  4. Time based Case Proceedings Report.
  5. Managing of Employees Salary and Appointments with S.M.S Alert System.


  • Case Manager
  • Appointment Manager
  • HR Manager
  • Accounts Manager
  • S.M.S Alerts and E-Mail
  • Case Reports

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